Tripp learned to fly fish in Oklahoma catching bluegill and large mouth bass in farm ponds. On a family vacation to northern New Mexico, he caught his first trout in moving water and he was hooked. While In college he majored in parks and recreation with a minor in biology. Tripp gained experience from multiple wildlife internships but the place that captured his heart most was Grand County. He fell in love with all the different types of fly fishing available from the rushing Colorado river to trickling creeks and throw in high mountain lakes there was always a new style of fishing to learn. After college he knew there was no other place, he wanted to call home.
A love for teaching has brought him to guiding. There is nothing more satisfying than watching someone learn how to cast a fly rod or hook into their first fish. He believes it is important to not just learn how to catch a fish but why the fish are there and how to predict where they will be in the future. In Tripp’s spare time he loves to walk down to the Fraser river from his home and fly fish up the the river. He also loves to bird hunt with his German Drahthaar piper any chance that he gets.